Getting help
We are a service available to people within the North West of England only.
We are open 9.30-4.30 - lines and emails are only monitored during these hours.
IMPORTANT: If you or someone you know is in immediate danger please contact the emergency services on 999. If you need to speak to someone urgently, please contact one of the national helplines below.
Our Services
We are a non-clinical support centre based in New Ferry, Wirral.
We offer support to individuals experiencing suicidal crisis and offer training to individuals and groups for Suicide Intervention.
Supporting an individual who is experiencing suicidal crisis
The Martin Gallier Project is the only suicide prevention, intervention and postvention service in the North West of England. Our Suicide Intervention Workers provide crisis support through immediate suicide interventions on the high street with no barriers to access or waiting lists thus reducing the need for clinical interventions and hospital admissions.
Supporting an individual who is bereaved by suicide
The Martin Gallier Project supports family members bereaved by suicide, who are then at higher risk of suicide themselves. We provide an initial assessment to ensure the individual is not in suicidal crisis, if the individual is in suicidal crisis we provide the support specified in “Supporting an individual who is experiencing suicidal crisis”.
Supporting an individual who is affected by suicide
We deliver Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)* (suicide first aid) into family units in which an individual is considering or has considered suicide.
*Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid.
Training & Workshops
As well as Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)* (suicide first aid), we also offer a variety of skills-based workshops for individuals and groups. We offer a range of topics from ‘safeTalk’ to ‘Working Well’ with our experienced team and external speakers.
Our centre is located at 57 New Chester Road, New Ferry, CH62 1AB
National Crisis Services
If you, or someone you know is in crisis but not in immediate danger, there are national services that can offer help and guidance.
Call: 116 123 (24 hour helpline)
Samaritans is available round the clock, every single day of the year. They provide a safe place for anyone struggling to cope, whoever they are, however they feel, whatever life has done to them. Please call 116 123 email jo@samaritans.org, or visit www.samaritans.org to find details of the nearest branch.
Text Shout to 85258
Shout is the UK’s first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.
Phone: 0300 111 5065 (open 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday)
They exist to meet the needs and overcome the isolation experienced by people over 18 who have been bereaved by suicide.
Email: support@uksobs.org
MindInfoline: 0300 123 3393 (9am to 6pm Monday to Friday)
The MindinfoLine offers thousands of callers confidential help on a range of mental health issues. Mind helps people take control of their mental health. They do this by providing high-quality information and advice, and campaigning to promote and protect good mental health for everyone. They also provide a special legal service to the public, lawyers and mental health workers.
Helpline: 0800 58 58 58
The services are open 5pm–midnight daily and are free, anonymous and confidential. For access or to find more information visit thecalmzone.net
The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) works to prevent male suicide and offers support services for any man who is struggling or in crisis. CALM’s helpline 0800 58 58 58 and web-chat are for men in the UK who need to talk or find information and support.
HOPELINEUK – 0800 068 4141 (9am to 10pm Monday to Friday and 2pm to 10pm at weekends)
Worried about someone? Support for anyone under 35 experiencing thoughts of suicide, or anyone concerned that a young person may be experiencing thoughts of suicide.
Kooth.com is an online counselling service that provides vulnerable young people, between the ages of 11 and 25, with advice and support for emotional or mental health problems. Kooth.com offers users a free, confidential, safe and anonymous way to access help.
Helpline: 0800 11 11
Coping with suicidal feelings: ChildLine is a counselling service for children and young people. You can contact ChildLine in these ways: You can phone on 0800 1111, send us an email, have a 1-2-1 chat with us, send a message to Ask Sam and you can post messages to the ChildLine message boards. You can contact ChildLine about anything - no problem is too big or too small. If you are feeling scared or out of control or just want to talk to someone you can contact ChildLine.